We believe our Children’s Learning evolves as we offer maximum and varied ways for it to be extended and for their needs to be met while they are with us.
We know that through the program our kindergarten children grow to:
- feel safe, secure, respected, valued, cared for, happy, encouraged and reassured.
- know about themselves, others, the environment, routines and limits.
- acquire living, social, language and physical skills and learn respect for all people and things.
The adult role in the program is to provide nurturing, stimulating, responsive environment and to interact with children in a way which facilitates learning. We believe children learn through play. Children’s play takes a variety of forms:
- modeling/imitating adults and other children.
- observing
- experiencing
- discovering/exploring
- considering
When we plan experiences forming the curriculum basis, we take into consideration different modes of learning, the children’s developmental stages and their current interests.
Children’s program
Our Kindergarten incorporates the State and National Early Years Learning Frameworks in our curriculum and we actively offer children learning opportunities in: music, dance, drama, literature, art, science, physical and environmental education, literacy and numeracy, and health and nutrition in our programs.
We have achieved the highest rating possible in all quality areas, with an overall rating of Exceeding National Quality Standard!