Our Educators

Our educators facilitate and extend the children’s learning.  They plan and implement age appropriate learning experiences and activities, and keep individual records of their progress.  Plans are evaluated regularly and the needs of both individuals and the group are considered. Children’s ‘learning stories’ are documented according to the domains of the National Curriculum Framework and presented for families to share in portfolio form.

Close contact with parents and home is essential for the understanding of pre-school children and your educator will welcome any information which may help her to know your child better.

Our valued and competent staff hold a range of qualifications and are very committed to children and their families.

Our Committee of Management supports the teachers taking up further training opportunities and continuing to upgrade qualifications through traineeships and by their attendance at in-service programs.

Director, Centre Coordinator & 4 year-old Teacher

Jodie Bath


Cheryl Allan

Janet Humphries

Sharon Schueler


April Fowler

Yvonne Spowart

Rachel Gray

Shannyn Price

Jo Stones

Maureen Lochrie

Paula Kayler-Thompson

Kellie Steere

Lauren Middleton

Georgie Lazzari

Chris Browning


Contact Us

25-35 Bond Street, Newtown VIC 3220
Phone 5221 5220
